LilyAnne's Wellbeing Titan House Health & Wellbeing Hub work underway.
Work is now underway to as LilyAnne's Wellbeing grows and develops into it's new Titian House Home on York Road, Hartlepool.

The new location will house our relocated 'LilyAnne's wellbeing Cafe' and our new Health & Wellbeing Hub.
Co-creator Trevor Sherwood said: “We have outgrown our space in terms of what we can offer.
"We are looking to open our new coffee shop in Titan House and separate community and support centre where we can offer more privacy and really develop the work that we are doing.
"We just want to get in and start the work. We are quite excited."

The move has been made possible due to the support of Larch, Keyfund & Innovation Group, Hartlepool have been a huge support in the develop of our new support centre who have provided all of the work at a heavily discounted price for the charity.

If you are considering any work please consider supporting Innovaiton Group as they have been a great support for LilyAnne's Wellbeing Charity.
While the work is being carried our support is still avilable at LilyAnne's Wellbeing Cafe on Victoria Road when it comes to mental health & loneliness.
We are expecting to be open from York Road Late February early March.