The team at LilyAnne's Wellbeing recently attended the Cleveland Police HQ in Middlesbrough to complete bleeds training.
As part of the Cleveland Police - Cleveland Unit for the Reduction of Violence’ (CURV.) which brings together all partners and stakeholders to develop and deliver an intelligence- led strategy. This is aimed at reducing serious violence throughout Cleveland through a Public Health agenda.

The Bleeds training was a first aid package of street first aid delivered by St Johns Ambulance to up-skill our team on the use of bleeds kits which our team carry to prevent a fatal bleed during a night time economy work we deliver within Hartlepool.

Bleed control kits are being placed in night-time economy areas like pubs and clubs to help save lives from knife crime. The kits can also be used for other situations, such as dog bites or car accident
Bleed control kits can help prevent people from bleeding to death while paramedics are on their way.
They can provide a first line of treatment to wound victims.
They can help keep victims alive until they can be seen by a paramedic.
Team members of LilyAnne's Wellbeing who take part in the wellbeing walk always carry first aid kits and bleeds kits.