LilyAnne's is raising awareness of support that is available locally within our community following a increase in the number of people taking their lifes locally without reaching out for support.
Every single sucide is a preventble with the right support in place, often with a community and village approach of everyone.
Often people don't know the support is out there or don't think they'd need that support even when things get on top of them and they feel like the only way out is not being hear.
Once those negative thoughts kick in it's so important to reach out for support and there is a lot of support available locally.
LilyAnne's has created a network of Hartlepool Check in Points across Hartlepool to identify places to go where accessing one of those doors will lead to the same friendly support.
We've created some downloadable resources so you can help make a difference within your local community and help us spread the word that support is available locally.
QR Codes
The Hartlepool We Care Give Us A Chance, is about raising awareness of support available, within Hartlepool a number of people have sadly taken their lives who did not reach out for support.
So LilyAnne's along with Local Health Alliance partners want to raise awareness that support is available and that 'We Care Give Us A Chance'.
You can really help us mark a difference by helping us spread the word that help and support is available.
We have included some resources that you can print off and help us spread the word.
Downloadable QR code with positive quote and information of support available locally.
The document includes three different quotes which can be printed cut out folded and laminated, whole punched and tied up within the local area.

Downloadable poster to be displayed within a public place sharing awareness that help and support is available locally.
These posters are being displayed in the local hospital, doctors surgeries, shop windows, schools.